Monday, September 04, 2006

Flu virus

The flu virus has caught me. I'm down with flu again. I hate flu cos I've a very sensitive nose and all the while I have nasal problem. It's been some time since I last use a nasal spray. That's a relief to me cos u will never understand how bad it is to use a nasal spray.

A visit to the doctor today. Bad news from her. I have to start using a nasal spray again to clear up the nose block. This time, I was given the prescription of Nazolin nasal spray plus a half day mc to go home and Zzzzzzz. According to her, this is stronger as compared to the 1 I normally use. Those who never used it before will never know how bad it is!

U have to spray this thing into your nose, and slowly the medicine will tickled down from your nose to your throat. The taste is really awful.

...that's my nasal spray

So after lunch I head back home in an attempt to get some rest, but I couldn't sleep at all. The moment I stepped into the house, Joey saw me came back and wanted to play with me. She laid the mattress like a slope and told me that's the hill Jack and Jill climbed and rolled down. So I literally played with her until she went home.

See her rolling down the hill...

Joey posing for me

Think that's all for now. The flu medicine is taking effect already, I heading off to bed.


Blogger dennis said...

Feel better soon!

Joey is one lucky imp!

07 September, 2006 04:08  

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