Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Just when you feel that you see some light, your hopes are crushed.

Seriously, this is going to become my "complaint" blog sooner or later. I had initially thought I will be online for a while just to make sure that the site is live. But now, its already 1AM and I am still working online. What is this? There was this product scheduled for live launched today, and everything has been pushed live already. Now, the client wants some last minute changes.

Feeling exhausted. Time now is 2PM. I want out in this - red card please!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Shopping trip

On Saturday, finished work at around 2 to 3pm. After that, took a shower to cool myself down and was making myself a coffee when Joey's mum came to pick her and her sis - Rachel, home. After both of them went home, my mum asked me to go shop around with her to get clothes for Joey and Rachel.

1st stop was to Bossini, she bought a set of clothes for both of them. Our 2nd stop - we went Royal Sporting House, where she got both of them a pair of Puma shoes.

Rachel's shoe

Joey's shoe

I was walking aimlessly in the shop and was browsing at shoe bags and water bottle. I've been using my sis' shoe bag all the while, been wanting to get 1 for my own and was browsing through when my mum came up behind me and asked me to get one. She's getting it for me. In the end, we chose a blue Nike shoe bag.

Went to the cashier to make payment for the shoes and the bag. Then we saw the water bottles on the counter. I was looking at them. My mum commented that the Nike bottle was nice, and she bought 1 of it for me. I wanted to pay her back for all the stuff but she declined. She say happy can liao.

I know she's trying to cheer me up. Thanks Mum!

My new Nike shoebag

Nike water bottle


Weekend is here?

Weekend is here, but I dun feel it. Has been working since 9am until now, and it still working. My life is kind of screwed up. I can't seem to enjoy weekend any longer. Below is the conversation with my mum 15mins ago.

Mum: Go eat your breakfast. It's already lunch, soon it will be tea break liao.
Me: Ok. *eating and working at the same time, no differences from weekday*
Mum: What is wrong with work? You have been working long hours recently. If not happy just look for another job lor.
Me: Ya. See how things goes in the next few months 1st.
Mum: Ok. Later finish work liao we go out for a walk.

I can tell my mum knows I'm sick of work recently. I hope I can explain what is wrong but no point telling her also.


Friday, January 11, 2008


Exhausted, drained and restless is how I feel now.
Work hasn't been kind of smooth recently. Or rather I shouldn't say smooth. Guess it's the work load. I seriously duno and have no f***ing idea what is wrong.

Since day 1 of 2008, I have been reaching office earlier and earlier. Twice a week - Thurs and Fri, I will be there at 7.30am to catch up with my colleague before the conference call. After that, we'll get down to work, most of the time having pack lunch and work at the same time. Today, I skipped lunch and had a cup of Espresso (double shot) to get myself working until 6pm. At 6pm, everyone starts to leave the office, frustration sets in. Why? Why? Why? Why am I always the one coming in early and working late? Am I in-efficient? I hope not. Really got no mood to work any further, I packed my stuff to work from home later at night.

Tomorrow - Saturday, is supposed to be a day of relaxation. Jeong is inviting us to her new place @ Lakeshore for housewarming. BUT!!! I need to work in the morning all because of the site migration. Will see how everything goes.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year Resolutions

Considered a rather late post - New year Resolution. What were my resolutions last year?
  • To lose another 3 to 5 kg, when I did. I lost 3kg. But recently seem to put on a bit more fats around the tummy area, probably due to work (all the tapao-ing, eating and doing at the same time, no chance to walk about).
  • To complete paying all my study loan. Finally, I cleared my study loan!
  • Earn more $$$. Still trying hard on this.
  • Work hard to get own a car (this might take another 10 years to fulfil). With the burden of my study loan gone, I can now concentrate on this.
So here comes my new year resoluion.
  • Play more sports - badminton, cycling & tennis (haven't been playing after completing the lesson with Sue)
  • Lose another 3kg and work on the tummy area, yoga helps?
  • Earn more $$$, Save more $$$
  • Own a car
Work has been quite hectic recently, what a bad way to start the new year. Hope things will improve and get much better. *hiaks*


Sunday, December 30, 2007


The lower end of my hair is already a bit wavy, and since CNY is approaching, I decided to rebond and trim my hair before the price hike. So this afternoon, I spent 4hrs at my neighbour house to do the rebonding, sit until I'm tired. Spent $60 in total. Cheap right?! Haha.

After that, my uncle brought my cousins over to our place before the school re-open in 2 days time. As usual, I treated my cousins with lots of chocolates, candy and lollipops. My cousin, Qihui is now in the gifted program in Pri 5 and he had since switched over to study at Pei Hwa (I think so). He needs to get up at 5.30am every morning to prepare for school, kind of pity him. Unluckily, my uncle drives him to school every morning. That saves him from waking up at 5am to catch the school bus. Also, my uncle will be moving on to a new position with GSK in the new year.

In less than 24 hrs, we will be ushering in the new year. May the new year be better for all of you out there.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


My feeling now - tired and super duper sianz. Supposed to be on leave but am working now due to this stupid client. This is now getting on my nerves. Been working since 2045hrs.

Can't they understand simple English, cannot means cannot. Why do they insist they want to do it their way. Can't they wait another few more days.

Finally, issue has been resolved, all thanks to the Tech guys. Time now is 2336hrs.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lesson learnt

Today, we went to Sentosa - Cafe Del Mar to have lunch (post Xmas cum Boxing day celebrations). What was suppose to be an enjoyable and relazing lunch did not turn out well for me. I've tonnes of work to do - web and data requests. Knowing that we will be having a long lunch today, I've cleansed all the data requests, except for one yesterday. But the rest of the work are enough to prevent me from relaxing.

After lunch, I went back to office to check on some work issues before re-joining the team for coffee at Vivo. It was there that I learn a few lessons, of which this is the most important and had set me thinking all day long - decide now who and where you want to be in 3 yrs time.

Since young, I have always wanted to be a teacher, in particular a Mathematics teacher in secondary school. Sad to say, my grades never make it - English, my killer subject - I hate English. In order to fulfill this dream, I had previously taken a language proficiency from NIE, and cleared it. Still I'm still a miles away from my dream. Back then, teaching is a very popular job due to the financial crisis. I've always been near to my dream, I once worked in a before and after school care center for primary school kids, gave tuition during my uni days and after work - just so that I can fulfill my passion for teaching. But now, I have to give up tuition due to work commitment - no choice.

Everytime, when I feel down with work, this thought will always flash across my mind - to teach. Should I or should I not.
