Friday, January 11, 2008


Exhausted, drained and restless is how I feel now.
Work hasn't been kind of smooth recently. Or rather I shouldn't say smooth. Guess it's the work load. I seriously duno and have no f***ing idea what is wrong.

Since day 1 of 2008, I have been reaching office earlier and earlier. Twice a week - Thurs and Fri, I will be there at 7.30am to catch up with my colleague before the conference call. After that, we'll get down to work, most of the time having pack lunch and work at the same time. Today, I skipped lunch and had a cup of Espresso (double shot) to get myself working until 6pm. At 6pm, everyone starts to leave the office, frustration sets in. Why? Why? Why? Why am I always the one coming in early and working late? Am I in-efficient? I hope not. Really got no mood to work any further, I packed my stuff to work from home later at night.

Tomorrow - Saturday, is supposed to be a day of relaxation. Jeong is inviting us to her new place @ Lakeshore for housewarming. BUT!!! I need to work in the morning all because of the site migration. Will see how everything goes.



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