Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bubbly day...bubbles

Went shopping with my mum today, and we happen to went into Toy R Us, the mischievous or maybe naughty side crept into me. I bought this big bottle of bubble solution, and got scolded by my mum, but I used Joey as an excuse. Joey is the kid that my mum is baby-sitting. =)

I also manage to grab a cute turtle toy at Toy R Us, but it's cheap lar...haha

This evening, together with my mum we brought her to the playground to play with bubbles. See how she's enjoying herself.

Raining bubbles...

...@ the playground

While Joey was playing something else caught my attention... ...a family of snails...

There's a total of 4 snails in the pic...including the inset pic...can you find all of them?

My beloved...

Everywhere my cousin go, her 2 kids, Ziyang & Zixuan are always the highlight. Why? Cos they're way too cute. They're my favourites! Last week, they came over to my place. I managed to catch them to pose a few wacky pics...

Top (left): Ziyang sitting on top of gym ball, (right): Zixuan & Ziyang cuddling my fav tortoise.
Bottom (left): Ziyang: I'm a monster!, (right): My mum together with the 2 kids.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Late night Kopi

Its been ages since I went for late night coffee. Last night, I went for kopi session with my neighbour, Jas, who happen to have her off-day yesterday. Our kopi session was at the 24-hr kopitiam across the street. We chat a lot about life & work.

It was then that something at the corner of the kopitiam caught my eyes - it was those machine which contain toys. Those machine where you put in a 50 cents and when you turn the knob, a clear white container in drop out and it there's a toy. I guess nowadays we can't find such a machine which cost only 50 cents, those that I saw was a minimum of $1. This machine which i saw offer the toy from Japan which used to be a craze in Singapore.

I got this from my best pal, Kellin, about 3-4 yrs ago on my bday. When she 1st got this for me, it wasnt available in SG yet. Mine was an import set direct from Japan...wahaha. It was only soon after she bought 1 for me that it became widely available in SG.

Anyway, this toy is suppose to help relieve stress and work on solar power.

Hidamari No Tami - I guess this is its name? It was printed on the box as this.

Ok back to the topic. This machine offer smaller version of the above toy. I guess childhood memories crept into me without me realising it. Holding a dollar coin like a small child, I walked towards this machine and try my luck, I told myself I wanted a blue 1. *Turned knob*... ahhhh...what luck? I got an orange 1 instead.

I guess Jas couldnt stand the temptation that she also took dug her wallet for a dollar coin and try her luck, she wanted a pink 1. But... ...guess what she got a blue instead. In the end, we exchanged ours, feeling happy like kids. Suddenly, I realised that a few tables away was a group of teens who had turned their attention to us for a moment, they must be thinking that we are childish. Haha, we're young at heart!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

San Francisco

Finally, I had the chance to upload and edit those photos taken at San Francisco when I was there for business trip a month ago.


We stay at Serrano Hotel. A rather authentic hotel which was situated in the city.


Yes, we went sailing at the coast of San Francisco. For most of us ladies, it was our 1st sailing experience, luckily neither of us got sea sick.


Yes it was sunny but at the same time it was cold. The sea breeze made us so relax that we almost forgotten that we were here on a business trip. Well at least that's the thought I had...haha, not too sure for the rest of the guys though..

Fisherman's Wharf

Still at Fisherman's Wharf - window shopping.
Look at the pigeon, so fat and juicy. Looking at it make me think of "roasted pigeon"...haha

Fisherman's Wharf_02

Look at the strawberries, so big and juicy. At the store, you can purchase these strawberries and dip them into chocolates and start munching away.
All along the street they have shop that sell oyster with pearl in it. Each of them cost about USD15.00.

Food, food and food....look at the baby lobsters and crabs. My god, they are so fresh and nice. Most importantly, they are cheap as compared to SG. I had a plate of oysters, and they cost me about USD$6.00...yummy...Make me want to go back for more... *drooling...*
In SFO, there's this famous restuarant - The Cheesecake Factory, their food are nice and they serve extremely delicious cheesecake.


There is it. My favourite tortoise. You can find hundreds of it kind at the bakery - Boudin at the Wharf, along Fisherman's Wharf. This is a 2-storey building where visitors can see how the bread are made. You can also learn about the story of the famous sourdough French bread, how it is made. Most importantly, all bread are fresh from the oven!


Some scenic views of San Jose, where we were there for meeting and training.


Gilroy Premium Outlets - The shopping paradise! Yes, this is the famous shopping paradise south of San Jose. There is a total of 145 outlet stores, to name a few: Banana Republic, Levis, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Coach etc.
We took about 2 hours to get here. First, by Caltrain from San Francisco to San Jose, and from San Jose we hopped onto a bus that take us to Gilroy Caltrain and then a 5-min cab ride to our destination. Though tired, but all these travelling are worth it, and you can definitely find some good bargain here.
In order to be efficient in shopping we tried to take a snap of the directory on our camera. Guess what, a staff from a nearby store saw us and she offered each of us a Gilroy directory. Thanks! It really help, else we have to go hunting around for the specific shops.
But, a note to those who are going on your own, remember to plan the trip well so that you can catch the last bus back in time to catch the train so that you dun can stranded at the country side.


Finally, it's time to head home. On our way home, we had to stopover at Korea for an hour. I'm missing SFO already. When will we be going there again? I hope soon...=)

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Haha...finally, some1 discovered this secret hideout! But it was only discovered after hints were given. Nevertheless, I finally have 1 audience here.

Congratulations Steve! You have won urself a VIP entry pass to the blog - High in è sky. You will receive your card in 7 working days, should you have an enquires please feel free to give me a call.

At least, it doesn't seem like I'm talking to myself, which I have been doing the past few days.

I'm off now to sort the photos, hopefully I will find time to upload them by today or tomorrow.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Day 4

It's already day 4 and yet no1 has discover this secret hideout of mine? =(
*pondering, wondering...scratching head...when will this ever be discover?*

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Who will be the first to discover?

Suddenly, it dawned on me that I did not tell anybody that I started this new blog. I actually included a link from friendster profiles to this current blog.

Let's see who will be the first to find out about this new blog of mine. Whoever found this, please leave a comment, you shall be handsomely rewarded... ...wahaha...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Busy busy...

It's been almost a month since I got back from the business trip to San Francisco, but still I could not find the time to upload those photos. Busy... ...busy with work everyday. Will force myself to upload those photos this weekend. In the meantime, keep a lookout for this space...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A new beginning...

Here I am @ blogspot, I've dumped the old blog in friendster and starting a new 1 here...a fresh new start...everything is new...Hope that things will be better in the future...

I can still remember clearly the day when everything changed...things would not be the same as before. The day where I felt so lost... ...Starting from this moment, I'm going to leave it behind me...and look forward to the future... ...