Monday, September 11, 2006

In San Francisco

Finally, we landed in San Francisco, after a 17 hrs flight. From Singapore, we transit at Hongkong before flying out to SFO. This time round the security at Hongkong was strict. Stricter than I can imagine.

Passengers flying out to US and UK will have to undergo sercurity check, and they have arranged for femail security personnels to conduct body search on the female passengers, and likewise for the males. This was followed by a search of our hand luggages. It was basically to check if we carry any cream or gel kind of stuff onto the plane to SFO. I had a lip gloss, which is gel like kind and they threw that away.

It's almost 1.30am now, and I'm blogging from the Business Center which is at the basement of the hotel, cos there's only 1 internet connection in the room, and Elaine, my manager is using it. Getting kind of monday blues...tomolo we're officially having a training session. That will last for 3 days. I can't wait for it to end and go back home. I'm already missing my fried kuay teow, my pillow and all...


Blogger dennis said...

sorry about your monday blues!

Hoping you can find 3 days of fun in 'Frisco!

12 September, 2006 11:46  

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