Monday, November 20, 2006


Have been stress with work recently. So I took the opportunity to go out shopping on Sat for 1 whole day! Went out with Kelynn to shop around City Hall area. Later, another friend of hers, Vincent join us for a buffet lunch cum dinner. After the heavy buffet, we decided to walk down to Orchard, in an attempt to burn off some fats and also at the same time to take a look at the Xmas lightings.

Me & Kelynn...

Still waiting for Vincent to send us our photos...

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Have been down with gastric flu since last Thurs. Until today, I'm still sick. The fever keeps coming back only at night, and also still having diarrhoea. Duno what's wrong with me. I hope to get well soon, want to go out for shopping...sob