Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bye to year 2006

Today mark the last day of year 2006, in another 12 hours time we will be welcoming year 2007! The past 365 days has been considerably hectic for me. Lots of things have happen during this year itself, some of which I do not really wish to mention, talk about or to even remember it. There are of course some happy time.

Work, itself has been rather fruitful! Ever since I join this new co a year ago, I have found much satisfaction in work, all thanks to Iris! And it was the company trip that allow me to know this beauty better! This year also see me in reuniting with a couple of sec sch mates whom we have lost touch since graduation- Kelynn, Hanyi, Jinkun and a lot more.
Now is the time for us to start penn-ing our new year resolutions. For those who have yet to get this done please start doing so in the next 12 hours! I already have my resolutions below.

  • To lose another 3 to 5kg. =)
  • To complete paying all my study loan.
  • Earn more $$$.
  • Work hard to get own a car (this might take another 10 years to fulfil).

Most imptly, saying bye to the old year and look forward to a better new year ahead. Happy 2007 for every1!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa is coming!

Xmas is around the corner! 2 more days and it's Xmas already. Santas has come knocking on my door rather early this year. I received my first xmas present about a week and a half ago. And of cos, they're all opened up already. I can't wait til Xmas!

On Xmas eve, will be out with a couple of friends for dinner. It's been sometime since I relax myself. The past week has been rather hectic for me. First, it's the moving of our office to the new location - HarbourFront Center! This was followed by a series of reshuffling of work and training before the year end.

Finally, the week has ended. Looking forwad to Xmas and year 2007. Every1 better start penning down your new year resolutions.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tortoise TV

Went shopping for Xmas gift today and found something fansinating. Tortoise TV! It's brought in by this company call Hannspree, and they have branches all around the world. Main point is that the tv they carry are so cute that I really wish to own 1 and cuddle it.

Of cos my fav would be the Tortoise TV. It's so cute even though it's not in it's usual green color and is rather small actually, about 9.6 inch wide only. But guess how much it cost? Nearly fainted on hearing that, it cost about $800++. , never would I thought it would be so expensive.

Tortoise TV! How I wish I can have 1...

Anyone got my hints??? Xmas is just around the corner... =)