Saturday, June 02, 2007


Today was my sis company Family day, and since her bf is having exam I'm being tasked to attend the event in his place. This year alone, I've been to the zoo twice already, feeling a bit crazy about the frequency. Anyway, as it was the school holidays, we decided to bring our fav nephew, Ziyang along, but without his sis Zixuan, cos I dun think the 2 of us can handle 2 kids. This year the event was at the Singapore Zoo, as compared to Sentosa last year. The event was from 9am to 2 pm, we reached zoo at 8.30am, thinking we can get the entry tickets early and explore the zoo a little before we had to assemble at the Forest Lodge for the speech and all. To our disappointment, the committee only arrived at 9am and start organizing themselves. Poor managment. Shall not name the company here.

@the entrance

a school of I right?

Happy feets?

...while waiting for the tickets to be issued

here's another

found anything on the trees? nah there's nothing actually just feel like taking a photo of the trees...=)

cool waterfall...feel like having a dip

now there's really something up there. Can you see? It's an Orang Utan lazing on the net.

munching on a doughnut

I'm impressed by the concept and there's this screen of water to create this tranquility effect
After the speech, we went off to explore a bit around the zoo. First up is the White Tiger enclosure. It look magnificent under the sun with it's white fur.

Next, is the hippo. Did you know that Hippo is term as the water ballerina? Couldn't believe right, it looks so clumsy.

On the walk around the zoo...


Monkeys...well they have a special name but I just couldn't rem them...

Up close with the kangroo...we're just less than a metre apart. Was if it it suddenly got into a bad temper and decided to box the nearest person? Opps...that would be me, luckily nothing of such happen.

In the end, we went back to the Forest Lodge for the rest of the program. Left the zoo at about 2pm right after the program ended cos Ziyang was too tired to explore the zoo anymore. We took a cab home and he felt asleep in less than 5 seconds. Reason being - he was too excited for this trip that he did not really sleep the previous night...that's the problem with kids. This time round, we left the zoo half explored. The last time I explored close to 75% and has to end it due to the bad weather.
Who's going to the zoo next? Rem to ask me along, I want to complete exploring the other part of the zoo.