Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Different types of employees

Frustration @ people and not @ work itself, resulted in me publishing this blog. This shall be it - the different types of employees you can find in your workplace. Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts.

Having work for the past 4 years or so. I began to see the 4 different types of employees, and Iris contributed her ideas to this blog. Hey Iris, are we becoming like Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi, except that they co-host a show together and we blog together? Haha...

Type A: Come early, leave late

Dilligent and hardworking group. Basically these people would report work earlier than the official office hours and leave the office way past after the office hours when all other people are gone. Why would they work such long hours? There are 2 prespectives to look at this. On the bright side the reason being, these employees are overloaded! They are being assigned too many tasks, so they do not have a choice but to report work early in hope of finish up on time. And as a matter of fact, they will always end up with even more work being assigned to them. On the other hand, it could also means that they're incompetence and hence have to work longer hours to finish up their work.

Type B: Come late, leave early

If you belong to this group, it's time to do some soul searching. Why on earth are you able to report late for work and leave early? Is this accomplish by pushing all your jobs to other colleagues? This simply means that you are way too free with nothing much on hand. All boss out there if you're reading this, please take some time to re-shuffle more work to this group of people! Else, you're paying them but under-utilizing them!

Type C: Come late, leave late

Trying to fool others? When they come late and leave late, after working out hours it doesn't seems that they work extra hours. They are just trying to create a visual effect to other people that they're hardworking and work later than others but in fact they're not!

Type D: Come early, leave early

Maybe you should consider switching to another job, cause it means that with / without you in the company there's not much significant value.

Which group do you fall under?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Back home

Finally, I'm back home...after almost more than 20 hrs of flight. On the return trip, we had to transit at Korea, Seoul. The flight was delayed due to airport traffic at SFO and bad weather conditions. Was supposed to reach Singapore on 17 Sep at 0100, instead we reached at about 0230. Guess we're luckily enough it was only one and a half hr delay. By the time we cleared the customs immigration it's almost 0300. I'm still feeling a bit jet lag. Fell asleep at 0400 and woke up at 0900 this morning. In any case, it feel so good to be back home.

On the flight back from SFO to Seoul, I caught 3 Chinese movies: We are Family, Undercover Hidden Dragon & 2 become 1. And from Seoul back to SG, I watched Shark Tales, Over the Hedge & Spongebob Squarepants cartoon. It's a record, considering the fact that on the way out I only watched Poseidon and Mission Impossible III.

Time to do more unpacking now...Keep a lookout for photos on this trip...Cheers!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

San Jose - Silicon Valley

Today, we moved to stay at San Jose just so that we can be closer to the client's office. The traffic was so bad that it took us about more than an hr to drive up here...boss was driving...=)

We set off at about 8.30am after checking out from the hotel at San Francisco - Serrano Hotel, and we reached San Jose - The Fairmont Hotel just slightly before 10am. And we were almost late for the meeting by half an hour.

The weather here is a huge constrast from San Francisco. In San Francisco, it gets very cold and chilly in the night but here there it's just the opposite. The temperature is just right, cooling but not to the extend of having to wear layers of clothes or jackets. And the streets are rather empty, shops close early too. I'm update my blog again when I get back to SG with more photos, but didn't really take much photos on this trip.

Side-tracking a little, I was chatting with Iris and she told me she had started a new blog! Hurray! I had always bugged her to set-up 1 but she was all too lazy. I was surprised when she told me about her blog, and when I asked her the reason why she set it up now. Guess wat's her answer? Read more below for the answers...our edited msn conversation

nothin fanciful says:
now i haf a blog liao
nothin fanciful says:
nothin fanciful says:
nothin fanciful says:
all becos i wan to leave a comment for u
¥èŋ™ ...souless in a faraway land says:
haha when u started a blog...
nothin fanciful says:

Monday, September 11, 2006

In San Francisco

Finally, we landed in San Francisco, after a 17 hrs flight. From Singapore, we transit at Hongkong before flying out to SFO. This time round the security at Hongkong was strict. Stricter than I can imagine.

Passengers flying out to US and UK will have to undergo sercurity check, and they have arranged for femail security personnels to conduct body search on the female passengers, and likewise for the males. This was followed by a search of our hand luggages. It was basically to check if we carry any cream or gel kind of stuff onto the plane to SFO. I had a lip gloss, which is gel like kind and they threw that away.

It's almost 1.30am now, and I'm blogging from the Business Center which is at the basement of the hotel, cos there's only 1 internet connection in the room, and Elaine, my manager is using it. Getting kind of monday blues...tomolo we're officially having a training session. That will last for 3 days. I can't wait for it to end and go back home. I'm already missing my fried kuay teow, my pillow and all...

Friday, September 08, 2006

it's almost 3 months

It was my mum's birthday on Tue. Together with my sis, we bought a uZap for her. She wanted it to zap away all her fats...We shall see if it's successful, then I will also start using it to zap away all my fats...haha


It's been about 3 months. As I grow older, I totally agree with this saying: Time waits for no one. It really is. I recall 3 months ago, about the same period of time, I was still planning for a business trip to US together with Iris. But this time round, I will be travelling without Iris. And to me, everything is totally different. It's a different kind of feelings...sob

Over the past year, Iris has become part of my life. Hey people out there, dun get the wrong idea, ok. Iris and myself are uni-mates and she was the one who recommended me to work in this current company. Ever since then, it seems like our lifes are bonded. 5 out of 7 days a week, I will get to see Iris, lunch with her and chat with her on msn.

I'm off to pack my luaggage now...last min packing...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Flu virus

The flu virus has caught me. I'm down with flu again. I hate flu cos I've a very sensitive nose and all the while I have nasal problem. It's been some time since I last use a nasal spray. That's a relief to me cos u will never understand how bad it is to use a nasal spray.

A visit to the doctor today. Bad news from her. I have to start using a nasal spray again to clear up the nose block. This time, I was given the prescription of Nazolin nasal spray plus a half day mc to go home and Zzzzzzz. According to her, this is stronger as compared to the 1 I normally use. Those who never used it before will never know how bad it is!

U have to spray this thing into your nose, and slowly the medicine will tickled down from your nose to your throat. The taste is really awful.

...that's my nasal spray

So after lunch I head back home in an attempt to get some rest, but I couldn't sleep at all. The moment I stepped into the house, Joey saw me came back and wanted to play with me. She laid the mattress like a slope and told me that's the hill Jack and Jill climbed and rolled down. So I literally played with her until she went home.

See her rolling down the hill...

Joey posing for me

Think that's all for now. The flu medicine is taking effect already, I heading off to bed.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Comex @ Expo

This year Comex show was held at Singapore Expo Hall 4 - 6 from 31 Aug to 3 Sep. Today, I made a trip there with Uncle Paul. It's a super long journey for me, travelling from 1 end of the country to the other end! Took me about 1.5 hrs to get there by bus and then train.

The show at Expo this year occupies 3 halls, and it has a wider passage way. I actuallly intended to get a few accessories: Canon Ixus 60 battery, SD card & a 2.5" HDD.

My 1st stop was at Canon booth. Uncle Paul challenged me to a bet that Canon does not sell accessories at Comex show. Stupid me! I should have taken it up with him, cos Canon do sell accessories at the show! In the end, I got a Kingston high speed (50x) 1GB SD card for $31. new 1GB SD card

I did try it out for a while, and it really capture photos faster. I will start taking using it to take photos soon! No need for card reader liao. Cheers!