Xmas here already?
Went to IMM Daiso about 2 weeks ago with my mum, and they're already selling Xmas tree. Out of fun, I got my very own Xmas tree for just $2. Yes you got me right, it only cost $2. But it's only slightly taller than an A4 paper. I should have took a photo of the bare tree before I decorated it with accessories. Anyway, this is my Xmas tree. No no the $2 does not come with all those accessories. Those are additional stuff for my tree...so in total the whole tree cost me $10!

Initially, this xmas tree was meant to be in my room...duno how, when and why it ended up in the living room instead.

Initially, this xmas tree was meant to be in my room...duno how, when and why it ended up in the living room instead.
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