Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Family outing

Today was the first day of year 2007, looking for a brand new year and start ahead, but god is playing a trick on me, or should I say he is testing me?

Went to Lim Chu Kang farm with my cousin, her kids and my family. Our first stop was to Hay Diaries. Ziyang had so much time feeding the goats there. It was a pity I forgot to bring my camera along, sighed. Our next stop was to Farmart. We headed straight to the landscaping shop, cause my parents have the intention to replace our current water feature. It was there that I bumped into some1 whom I do not wish to see at all. Of all the places, I can't imagine bumping into him at the farm and the farms are all out of place, they're inaccessible without cars. Forget it!

We then move on to our next stop the Qian Hu Farm. The boss of Qian Hu has become quite an icon in Singapore. We were having so much fun with my little nephew when I saw him again! And it's not like the 2 farms are just next to each other, they're very far apart. Damm it, Singapore is such a freaking small country. Is HE putting me to a test? Can you imagine bumping into the same person (whom you least wish to see) twice a day?

Hope that tomolo will be a better day and many more better days to come.


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