Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Packed week

I think exhaustion is the only word for me now. My eyes are closing as I type this entry. The past few days has been like a whirlwind to me (did I use the right word? I think I did), and its an adnormally packed week.

Starting from Monday, met a long long friend for dinner. What pleased me was that when he saw me, he commented I have slim down a lot. Wahaha...delighted as always! Of cos, I've lost more than 25kg, well over the past 2 years. Trying to slim down further,....way to go.

Tuesday, I met another long long friend for dinner at Orchard. Went shopping with her for winter jacket cause she'll be travelling to Holland and Sweden for a business trip come next month.

Today, nothing going on. So came back earlier to work on unfinished task to to recharge my batteries...they're fast draining off this week. Thursday noon, will be having a mass gathering lunch to celebrate 1 of our colleagues bday. Friday night will be spent with a bunch of uni-mates. Hopefully, will be posting more entries soon, I get kind of exhausted easily these days, maybe due to the hazy weather in SG now.


Blogger nothin fanciful said...

what?!?! i didnt know u lost 25kg in total!
wah.. v impressed. good job!

19 October, 2006 00:01  

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