Sunday, February 25, 2007


After more than 2 months, I finally picked up my jogging shoes again and went for a jog today! Yeah right, I have to try to burn off the calories from all the CNY eating. In the past, I could do 4 rounds straight without stopping. Today, after a 2 months break, I was left panting for oxygen when I finished my 2nd round, my legs could no longer go on anymore. So I went took a quick stroll for another 3 rounds hope that this together with all the rest of the exercise will burn off some fats.

Aim: To exercise least thrice a week for 45 mins.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

锅贴 - Guo Tie

Was so bored yesterday that I tried my hands at making 锅贴 (guo tie), chinese fried dumplings.
The results? Acceptable but definitely there's room for improvement. Long way to go if compared to a professional chef.

First, the skin is a bit too thick.
Second, the fillings doesn't really taste nice. Probably because I never marinate the filling with wine.
Third, too much water was added to pan-fried the dumplings.

Hopefully, the next try will be better.

锅贴 (guo tie), chinese fried dumplings


Thursday, February 08, 2007


What am I doing here in the middle of the night? Here I am snacking away on potato chips (from my brother) as I'm trying to finish a report. Not bcos I'm hungry but I'm trying to keep myself awake. Feel so drained out now. Was it due to incompentency that I have to work late into the night? This was the question that first come into my mind. Seriously, I do not have an answer to this. But right now, I think I just need a break, a holiday or something.