Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ziyang & Zixuan

I've came to realise that you can never make a promise to kids. Today, my cousin brought her 2 lovely kids to our place, Ziyang and Zixuan. They're darlings to my sis and myself. Well, the story goes like this.

In an attempt to get the 2 kids to take an afternoon nap, I told them that I would bring them to the playground in the late afternoon. Yes and this is 1 of the many tricks, adults used to coax kids to listen to them. But I feel that whenever I tried this it always fail on me be it on other kids too. Maybe I'm just too nice to them. In the end, both of them never sleep. I was the 1 who nearly fell asleep and they woke me up telling me it's time for playground. No choice I gussed, I dragged myself out of bed and fulfilled my promise to them.

All other kids were playing happily at the playground, until this particular kid appeared. He's about 3 to 4 years older than all other kids at the playground. Well kids can play with one another even though they are strangers. When this kid appear, it seems that he wished to play with my nephew and so Ziyang just played with him, trying to play catching at the playground. When Ziyang failed to catch him, he started scolding things like, "Eh you stupid pig!", "Chicken, dun dare to climb up here". He even scolded the malay kids who happen to be playing there too. And they went to complain to their parents. Sensing that something is not quite right, I brought them to another playground. Before I left, I never forget to stared hard at that boy. What a spoil brat!

Ziyang & Zixuan

...boy what a grumby face.

look at me, I'm so high up

quick quick, I posing for you leh, "biao yi"

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Too much of a coincident

There's a chinese saying that goes this way. When 2 person get together for a long time, slowly they will become similiar - in terms of thinking, habit & probably the way they talk. I think this is happening to me now. Of cos, there has has to be another person involve here, and the person is none other than Iris!

It so happened that both of us were spotting the same color shirt to work today again. Ya you heard me right "again", this was not the first time it happened. Coincidentally, we bumped into 1 of our collegue on our way back after lunch and her 1st comment was, "This must have been a coincident." as she was saying she was looking at our t-shirt. =)

It's not going to end here...haha

Monday, October 23, 2006

Long weekend

Yeah! It's blue day again today, and hence the long weekend - a long 4 days break. Saturday was spent shopping with friends and visiting an elderly relative at the hospital. Sunday, was also spent shopping, but this time with my mum. And since she's free, I brought her to Orchard to shop.

Right now, they are having a promotion for shoppers who shop at Wisma Atria. Every purhase of $10, entitles you a lucky draw coupon. In the end, I have to fill up about 20 coupons (combination of my mum & sister shopping spree). I do not have a habit of bringing a pen when I'm out, and there were only 2 pens on the desk there for our use. So no choice, have to wait a while to get those coupons filled up. As I was filling in the coupons, I had a thought - to get a self-inked stamp of my personal particulars.

With this self-inked stamp, I would not have to go through the hasle of filling in form so many times. Just stamped on it and it save all the troubles! Haha

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Gathering with Minh

It's been more than a year since we last met Minh. After we completed our degree he went on to UK to purse his Masters and now he's back in Singapore for a holiday. Yesterday, we had a small gathering @ Cityhall, with Chelsea aka Wati and myself. Had actually intended to dine at 'NewYork NewYork' @ Citylink mall for dinner, but upon reaching, there was already a 5m queue. So we dropped that and went to Swensen @ Funan IT Mall instead.

As what people says, once you graduate you have to worry about a lot of things. The most important is to get a job. This was what I experienced about 1 and a half years ago. And yesterday, I can see this in Minh. He's still couldn't decide if he wants to work in UK for a year before coming to SG to work. But for him, SG is the ultimate place he wish to live in, cos it's nearer to his home, Vietnam.

In any case, I wish him all the best! Duno when we will get to meet again.

Minh: "See I'm still so cute as always!"

...the three of us

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Packed week

I think exhaustion is the only word for me now. My eyes are closing as I type this entry. The past few days has been like a whirlwind to me (did I use the right word? I think I did), and its an adnormally packed week.

Starting from Monday, met a long long friend for dinner. What pleased me was that when he saw me, he commented I have slim down a lot. Wahaha...delighted as always! Of cos, I've lost more than 25kg, well over the past 2 years. Trying to slim down further,....way to go.

Tuesday, I met another long long friend for dinner at Orchard. Went shopping with her for winter jacket cause she'll be travelling to Holland and Sweden for a business trip come next month.

Today, nothing going on. So came back earlier to work on unfinished task to to recharge my batteries...they're fast draining off this week. Thursday noon, will be having a mass gathering lunch to celebrate 1 of our colleagues bday. Friday night will be spent with a bunch of uni-mates. Hopefully, will be posting more entries soon, I get kind of exhausted easily these days, maybe due to the hazy weather in SG now.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Xmas here already?

Went to IMM Daiso about 2 weeks ago with my mum, and they're already selling Xmas tree. Out of fun, I got my very own Xmas tree for just $2. Yes you got me right, it only cost $2. But it's only slightly taller than an A4 paper. I should have took a photo of the bare tree before I decorated it with accessories. Anyway, this is my Xmas tree. No no the $2 does not come with all those accessories. Those are additional stuff for my in total the whole tree cost me $10!

Initially, this xmas tree was meant to be in my room...duno how, when and why it ended up in the living room instead.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Back to normal

Finally, after 2 weeks of waiting of waiting my blog has been unlocked! Thanks to Blogger admin for unlocking my blog. Shall be posting multiple entries soon... =)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Spam block?

Boring weekend. This weekend was spent having lessons and lessons. Had initially wanted to update my space, but got a shock when I logged in. There was a msg telling me that my blog was locked by Blogger's spam-prevention robots. And I will not be able to publish my post for the time being. Wat a weekend!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hazy weather

The haze has thickened over the skies in Singapore. There's simply a burning smell hanging in the air, which you couldn't have realized it. Over the days, the condition has worsened. Today, the PSI was recored at 70+, and visibility has drop drastically.

Ususally, from my office I could see the Pan Pacific hotel and Bugis Shaw Tower clearly. However, since last week they have been covered with a thick white blanket. This weather really deter me from going out, especially when I have very sensitive nose. :s

Hope the sky will clear up soon! I missed the sunlight.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Frisco trip

Have been putting off the blogging of this 2nd Frisco trip for a long time. Reason being: Things have been different without my best kaki at work there with me, and that's Iris.

In any case, here's a short post of my trip to Frisco. Upon reaching SFO, we headed straight for the Car Rental center to pick up our car. Chief is driving! This will definitely save time on public transport. There was a long queue at Hertz, we waited for about 45mins to collect our car.

Hertz counter

Finally, it was our turn to collect the car. In the end, we decided on a monster vehicle! It's too huge, considering that there are only 3 of us. We got a car that can take 8 pax. But, 1 of the reason was becos this was the only car available with a GPS system.

...the monster!

Smart GPS system! None of us have to do any navigation, except when Chief got lost and missed a turn, we'll have to try to get back onto the track...Haha!

GPS system.

With this car, it makes shopping a lot more easier. Haha. Of cos, being out here at Frisco. It's never complete with a trip of wild shopping to Gilroy Premium outlets. Chief is also tempted and volunteered to drive us there, so that he can also do some shopping for himself, his kids and not forgetting for his wife. And he ended up being the biggest spender among us. All these shopping and walking made us so tired and hungry, we decided to settle for our lunch at the fast food outlet - In n Out. This is quite a well known fast food outlet.

This is how the In Out burger looks like! Resembles the MOS burger we have in SG, maybe their long lost cousins... =) The fries is a must try! The fries tasted really different. Biting into the fries, you can taste fresh potatos! I'm not kidding. And they have this machine behind the counter which slice the potatos into strips and it's only fried when an order is placed.

In n Out burger

A close-up of the burger.

Well the 1st few days was spent at San Francisco, Serrano Hotel. After which, we moved to San Jose, Fairmont Hotel. The client office is about a 10 mins drive away from this hotel.

Fairmont Hotel lobby.

The rooms at this hotel were very spacious compared to Serrano Hotel.

The tv area.

Our beds, bunking with my manager, Elaine.

The dressing area which was just outside the bathroom.

and finally, the bathtub!

The swimming pool was located on the 4th floor of the hotel. See the row of building just behind the chairs next to the trees...seems like those are also guest room. Wonder why we're not being offer these rooms instead though I'm not a big fan of swimming.

By the pool side.

And of cos, these are all stuff I got from this trp! The butterfly wings are for Joey, cos she always tell me she want to be like a butterfly but she got no wings. So here's a pair of wings for her.

My treasures...

Notice the few bottles of nail polish at the bottom right hand corner. Those are for Iris!

Iris! Here they are your gift.

On the last day, while on the way back to SFO, we stop by at Bernie's place. Bernie is now working at our Palo Alto office, and she just got her apartment. I heard it has a magnificent view. Situated right on the top of the hill, it overlooks the Bay and SFO.

See the land right at the background. That's where the runway is! Every few minutes you can see a plane landing. The time interval is really short between each plane landing.

...the view from her balcony

...the runway, can you see the planes?

It really makes me feel like staying at her place for a few days before coming home. While Bernie is giving a short intro of her apartment, I took this short video clip of the scenery. Pardon me, the effect is not good at all. I'll taking this video with my Canon Ixus 60, and my hands are shaking due to the cold wind.